Homage to You O Sekhmet Great of Healing,
Beloved of Ptah, Mistress of the Sky, the Eye of Ra!
Homage to You in Your beauty, Your power, Your terror; great are Your forms that are feared amongst the Netjeru!
O Goddess, coming forth from Your house in the sky, hear my prayer and bestow Your healing boons; for You are a hearer of prayers, a healer of all ills, and it is by Your hands that the afflicted are bestowed with new life!
Before Your hands, I place my ills;
Before Your brow, I place my ills;
Before Your two eyes, I place my ills;
Before Your breath, I place my ills;
Before Your command, I place my ills;
Before Your words of power, I place my ills;
Before Your arrows, I place my ills;
Before Your throne of the sky, I place my ills;
Before Your heart on the horizon, I place my ills;
Before Your ears of mercy; I place my ills;
Before Your Great Eye, I place my ills;
Before Your disk of the sun, I place my ills;
Before Your cobra diadem, I place my ills;
Before Your terror, I place my ills.
O Goddess, O Sekhmet of the Sky, Great Lady of Life of the Two Lands!
Receive my prayers, hear with justice, and grant fulfillment to my words.
You are the Daughter of Ra Who leads the heavens,
and by Whose command the horizons divide.
Be with me now in my time of trials,
and remove my sufferings as You remove what the Gods despise.
© 2021 by Ptahmassu Nofra-Uaa